Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Change Of Pace

I'm going to keep this really short, that way I don't get too distracted from the actual purpose.

I'm going to take (yet another) stab at reassessing myself.
Pushing myself in another direction.
Self-motivation has been far from a strong point for me, but that's going to change.

I've put off a lot of the work for my finals.
When I got home all I wanted to do was head straight for bed, just let everything pass.

But I've put in the effort up until now, so why should I quit when I can see the finish line?
I was highly unproductive today, I get overwhelmed and just purge all of the important stuff from my mind in order to be okay.

Only, it's not okay. It's not okay at all.

Summer is here, it's a good season for reassessment.

A few quick goals:

  • get in shape (although I have put on a few pounds, my goal isn't aimed at weigh loss, it's aimed at living a healthier lifestyle
  • organize yourself (@home, @work, @school)
  • engage in more outings (especially with it being summer, no reason to be indoors all day)

{Extreme side note: I'm tired of having to monitor everything that goes on in the kids life, mainly my poppa's actually. He comes and asks my permission and reasoning for things that shouldn't involve me. I love you, but I have my own problems. I have my own things to worry about, I can't dictate simple scenarios that you should be able to handle on your own.}

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